The document is divided into internal claims (must haves) and recommendations, including food, pet-food, non-food and packaging. One section concerns all suppliers.
Mandatory (must have) – Policies that must be complying at the time an offer is given.
Recommendations – Policies that we strive to achieve. If not met at the time an offer is given, the supplier must provide an explanation as to why the recommendation is not met and a plan on how and when the recommendation will be complied.
In general, suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the specific product group(s) that we procure.
If there, from a market perspective, are reasons not to follow our internal claims, you as a supplier need to provide a written explanation as to why claims are not followed, which in turn must be approved internally by Unil.
Products in breach of laws and regulations are not acceptable.
UNILs Quality Requirements to Suppliers and Product (pdf)